Terms and Conditions
The operator of the online store located under the domain
www.limitlessbiochem.eu is:
Company data
Limitless Biochem Technologies s.r.o
Rožová dolina 612/16; 821 09 Bratislava
ID: 56414935
VAT number: 2122299674
VAT number: SK 2122299674
Questions and requests about the status of orders via the E-shop
Personal collection - info
Juraj Schrojf
Mobile: +421948152838
Email: info@limitlessbiochem.eu
Supervisory authority:
Slovak Trade Inspection
Prievozská 32
820 07 Bratislava
Article I – Concepts
the company Limitless Biochem Technologies s.r.o. , which when concluding and fulfilling the purchase order
contracts within the scope of his business activity in his own name, on his own account
and which sells Goods through the E-shop
a natural person who purchases Goods through the online store on the Domain
www.limitlessbiochem.eu and for which this Product is not used for employment, profession
or business
the Seller's online store located on the domain www.limitlessbiochem.eu
Goods offered through the E-shop, which serves exclusively for collecting purposes
and cannot be used as food or medicine.
Order action of the Consumer in connection with the E-shop, which expresses the Consumer's will to purchase the Goods in
the total price stated in the Order, in particular the price for all the Goods that you the Consumer
ordered and is listed in the Order, as well as VAT or other taxes, fees, including the price
the price for transporting the Goods to the Consumer and possibly handling the Goods (e.g. delivery
Goods, etc.)
these general terms and conditions
Article II - General Provisions
1 These GTC regulate:
– the process of purchasing Goods by the Consumer through the E-shop,
– conditions of sale and purchase of Goods through the Seller's E-shop,
– the rights and obligations of the contractual parties, i.e. the Seller and the Consumer arising from
of the purchase contract concluded between these parties, the subject of which is purchase and sale
Goods through the Seller's E-shop.
Article III – Order and conclusion of the contract
1 The Consumer orders the Goods from the Seller through the E-shop located under the domain
2 The description of the Product, its properties, availability in stock, and its price are listed
in the E-shop for that Product.
3 The purchase of Goods in the E-shop is not conditional on registration in the E-shop, but registration is
maybe. When purchasing without registration/with registration, the Consumer is obliged to fill in the data that
E-shop requires from him. If the consumer is interested in registering and creating
customer account, just select the Create account option when ordering. After completion
order, we will create a new customer account for the entered email address with a password,
which you set.
4 After successful registration, the Consumer will have access to his account via
which will be reported in the E-shop when making purchases. With each subsequent purchase, the Consumer
no longer registers, it is enough for him to log in to his using his credentials
account in the E-shop.5 The Consumer orders Goods from the Seller through the E-shop, according to
instructions given in this E-shop.
6 After pressing the "ADD TO BASKET" button for that Product, the ordered Product
automatically adds that Consumer to the shopping cart. The given shopping cart
of the Consumer is available to this Consumer at any time during the creation of the Order
for viewing.
7 In the preview of the shopping cart, the Consumer also chooses the method of transportation of the Goods according to
options offered by the Seller.
8 To prices for individual Goods, VAT, etc. the price for the shipping fee will also be added
of the chosen mode of transport, if the Seller allows the Goods to be delivered in several ways.
9 The Consumer completes the order by pressing the "Order with payment obligation" button.
Before that, the Consumer is obliged to familiarize himself with these General Terms and Conditions and to confirm this familiarization
by clicking the button "I confirm that I have familiarized myself with the General Terms and Conditions
terms and conditions of the E-shop www.limitlessbiochem.eu. 6) requires the consumer to declare that
was: - properly informed about the loss of the right to withdraw after the service has been provided, - properly informed
on the loss of the right to withdraw after the start of the provision of electronic content. In cases
of the above, the Consumer must also press the buttons with the text before completing the order:
"I give express consent to the seller to start providing the service /
electronic content before the expiry of the withdrawal period and declares that I
was properly informed by the Seller about the loss of the right to withdraw after the start of provision
services / electronic content before the expiry of the withdrawal period."
10 By sending the Order, i.e. by pressing the "Order with payment obligation" button
At the same time, the consumer confirms that he has familiarized himself with/was informed by the Seller about:
– characteristics of the Goods,
– the total price that the Consumer is obliged to pay to the Seller.
11 After creating the Order, this Order will be registered in the E-shop system.
The Seller will send to the e-mail address of the Consumer, which
he stated the following during registration:
– confirmation of the Order with information about the Order,
– the wording of the General Terms and Conditions, which is valid and effective at the time the Order is created by the Consumer,
– The Seller's complaint procedure, if it is not part of the General Terms and Conditions.
12 By delivering the confirmation of acceptance of the Order according to point 11 of this article of the General Terms and Conditions together with
other documents to the Consumer, the contract for the purchase of Goods is considered concluded,
while its subject is the delivery of the Goods specified in the Order for the price specified there
price, all under the conditions contained in the documents according to point 11 hereof
Article VOP. Article IV – Payment and delivery conditions
1 All prices of Goods in the Order and in the E-shop are listed including VAT. Price according to
Orders can be paid by the Consumer:
1. a) payment gateway STRIPE
2. b) by bank transfer, or
3. c) by direct bank deposit to the Seller's account,
4. d) cash on delivery, i.e. handing over cash to the delivery person when taking over the Goods.
2 The Seller does not charge any fee for the payment of the Price. However, the Seller warned
The consumer that the entity with whom the payment of the Price is made can charge
payment fee (e.g. the given bank when depositing into an account).
3 The Consumer undertakes to pay the Price within the period specified in the Order.
4 Payment means the moment the Price is credited to the Seller's account.
5 The Seller undertakes to deliver the ordered Goods to the Consumer within 10
working days from payment of the Order Price or within 10 working days from closing
contract according to Art. III point 12 of these GTC, if payment of the Price is chosen by cash on delivery.
6 The Seller will deliver the ordered Goods to the Consumer at the address provided by the Consumer
as the delivery address in the Order.
Article V - Instruction on the Consumer's right to withdraw from the contract
1 The consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract without giving a reason within 14 calendar days
from the date of acceptance of the Goods, while this period is considered to be preserved if the notice of
withdrawal from the contract was sent to the Seller no later than the last day of the deadline. Goods
is considered taken over by the Consumer at the moment when the Consumer or a third party designated by him
person, with the exception of the carrier, takes over all parts of the ordered Goods or if:
1. a) several Goods ordered by the Consumer in one Order are delivered separately,
at the moment of taking over the Goods that were delivered last,
2. b) delivers Goods consisting of several parts or pieces, at the moment of acceptance
the last part or the last piece,
3. c) The goods are delivered repeatedly during the defined period, at the moment of acceptance
of the first delivered Product.
2 The consumer exercises his right to withdraw from the contract according to point 1 of this article of the General Terms and Conditions
as follows:
1. a) in writing at the address of the Seller's headquarters listed above or
2. b) by e-mail3 The consumer is entitled to withdraw from the contract according to point 1 of this article of the GTC
use the form that forms attachment no. 1 of these GTC. In the event that the Consumer has his right
to withdraw from the contract according to point 1 of this article of the General Terms and Conditions shall apply, return the Goods to the Seller, namely
by sending it to the address of the Seller's headquarters stated in these GTC no later than 14 days from
on the day he exercised his right to withdraw from the contract.
4 In case of withdrawal from the contract according to point 1 of this article, VOP bears the costs of return
Goods to the Consumer, including the costs of returning the Goods, which is not possible due to
to its nature to be returned by post.9)
5 The returned goods must not be damaged and must be sent to the Seller with proof of
purchase, with complete accessories, documentation, packaging, etc. For diminution in value
Goods that were not caused by normal wear and tear during use within the withdrawal period
according to point 1 of this article of GTC, the Consumer is responsible.
6 After receiving the Goods, the Consumer has the right to unpack the Goods within the withdrawal period and
to test in a manner adequate to ascertain the properties and functionality of the Goods.
7 The Seller within 14 days from the date of delivery of the Consumer's withdrawal according to point
1 of this article of the General Terms and Conditions shall return to the Consumer the payments that are related to the withdrawal from the contract and which
received from him on the basis of or in connection with the contract, including transport costs,
delivery and postage and other costs and fees. The Seller will return the payment to the Consumer
according to the previous sentence in the same way as was used by the Consumer during payment
for the Goods, unless the Consumer and the Seller agree otherwise. Shipping costs,
delivery and postage, however, the Seller pays the customer only to the extent of the cheapest
the usual delivery method offered by the Seller, regardless of what method
delivery chosen by the Consumer. The Seller is not obliged to return the payment to the Consumer earlier,
how the Goods are delivered to him or how the Consumer proves to him that the Goods have been sent back to him.
8 The consumer cannot withdraw from the contract, the subject of which is:
1. a) provision of a service, if its provision began with express consent
the customer and the customer declared that he was duly advised that by expressing this
of consent loses the right to withdraw from the contract after full provision of the service, and if
the service has been fully provided;
2. b) sale of goods made according to the special requirements of the customer, goods
custom-made or goods intended specifically for one customer;
3. c) sale of goods that are subject to rapid deterioration or deterioration;
4. d) sale of audio recordings, video recordings, audio-visual recordings
records, books or computer software sold in protective packaging, if
the customer has unpacked this package;
5. e) sale of goods enclosed in protective packaging, which are not suitable for return for a reason
health protection or for hygienic reasons and whose protective packaging was after
delivery broken; 6. f) sale of goods or provision of services, the price of which depends on the movement of prices on
the financial market, which the seller cannot influence and which may occur during
the expiry of the period for withdrawing from the contract;
7. g) sale of goods which, due to their nature, may be inseparable after delivery
mixed with other goods;
8. h) sale of alcoholic beverages, the price of which was agreed at the time of closing
contracts, while their delivery can be made after 30 days at the earliest, and their price
depends on price movements on the market, which the seller cannot influence;
9. i) sale of periodicals, with the exception of sales based on a subscription agreement a
sale of books not supplied in protective packaging;
10. j) provision of electronic content other than on a material carrier, if its
the provision began with the express consent of the customer and the customer declared that he was
properly informed that by expressing this consent he loses the right to withdraw from
Article VI Complaints Procedure
The complaint procedure of the online store www.marrea.sk governing complaints
conditions between the operator / seller and the customer / buyer (further
just "RP")
Introductory provisions.
The operator (seller) in the online store www.limitlessbiochem.eu is
the company Limitless Biochem Technologies s.r.o., Ružová dolina 612/16, 821 09
Bratislava, Slovakia
Any individual or legal entity is a customer (buyer) in the online store
a person who orders goods (product/s or
These Complaints Regulations regulate the legal relations between the operator and
to the customer, when dealing with complaints regarding the correctness and quality of the goods and
services provided by the operator.
A complaint for the purposes of this complaint procedure is understood to be applied by the customer
the right from liability for defects in goods or services provided by the customer,
which requires a certain remedy or compensation for faulty performance, or non-fulfilment
subject of the contract.
Complaint handling procedure.
1. Pursuant to this RP, an authorized person can file a claim in person, in writing, or
by e-mail.
2. In particular, it must be clear from the complaint:
• who submits the complaint (name, surname, address of permanent residence),
• the subject of the claim, or what the customer is demanding, • to whom the complaint is addressed,
• date of filing the claim,
• the customer's signature or the Authorized Person's signature together with a power of attorney.
3. In case of filing a complaint by e-mail, fax or in writing by the Authorized Person
a person on behalf of the customer must attach a power of attorney to the complaint
representing the customer in the matter of complaints.
4. If the complaint does not contain the requirements listed in point 2 of this article, it will be considered
for unauthorized.
5. The deadline for processing a claim is no more than 30 days from the day the claim is made.
The customer issues a written document to the client about the processing of the complaint.
6. Application of the claim means the day of application of the claim by the customer. In a day
application of a complaint is considered:
• in the case of postal items – the day the claim is delivered to the head office
• in the case of personal delivery – the date on the copy of the complaint, which is confirmed by the customer
• when delivered by electronic mail – the day of delivery of the electronic mail message to
e-mail address of the customer.
7. Other legal relations between the operator and the customer not expressly regulated
these Complaints Regulations will be governed by the respective provisions of the individual
of contracts concluded between the operator and the customer, relevant provisions
of generally binding legal regulations valid on the territory of the Slovak Republic, namely v
in this order.
8. The Customer is entitled to this Complaints Policy due to legal changes
regulations and the business environment can be changed or supplemented at any time. The customer determines
by publishing the current wording of the Complaints Procedure on its website.
This RP comes into force and effect from the date and fully replaces the previous RP.
The operator reserves the right to change the RP even without prior notice.
Article VII Protection of personal data
Internet sales (e-shop):
When purchasing through the marrea.sk e-shop, the seller will process your data
(art. § 10 paragraph 3 letter b) ZnOOÚ) in the scope of: title, first and last name, address for delivery
goods including zip code, invoicing address including zip code, phone number, e-mail in IS
Internet sales (e-shop), IS Accounting and IS Logistics of the seller.
The seller will process your personal data for the purpose of concluding a purchase contract,
records of purchase contracts, invoices and other documents, settlement of the purchase price, issuing of invoices following the conclusion of the purchase contract, contacting you in the interest of equipment,
possible modification and delivery of the order, for a maximum period of five years from the last one
purchase through the e-shop www.limitlesstechnologies.eu